Dolce Hera as the first Montenegrin professional female drummer, was hosted in the most watched Podcast in Montenegro “At the end of the day” – an overview of Hera’s career as a female drummer

Hera was a guest of the most popular montenegrin podcast “Na kraju dana” (At the end of the day)  hosted by Srdja Lubarda on TV E.

It is a TV show in which the host invites exclusively established artists, athletes and people in general who have achieved significant success in their profession to his podcast.

Dolce Hera is proud and honored to be the guest of the Podcast of such a concept. 

The reason for the conversation was the fact that Dolce Hera is the first Montenegrin professional female drummer, so the topic was an overview of Hera’s career as a female drummer.

45 minutes of conversation between Srdja and Hera were an opportunity to recall Hera’s entire biography.

From the first memories related to her instrument – drums, the beginnings with her first band, participation in the TV contest The Battle of the Bands, the awards and recognitions they won, to her new music project.

They remembered the great musical names with whom she shared the stage, such as the famous drummer Dragoljub Djuricic, with whom she performed in the Montenegrin National Theater.

They talked about the impact such opportunities had on her as a musician.

A special topic of conversation was Hera’s new music project, the upcoming album of 9 songs, which she announced with the song Common Dreams.

How her songs are created, where she gets her inspiration from, how it is that she now writes song lyrics and has some new roles besides the drum parts, as she composes music with her co-authors – are just some of the topics they dealt with. 

What does the comfort zone mean for her and what is her relationship to it… find out at the following link, where you can watch the entire podcast: 

Podcast At the End of the Day w/ Dolce Hera / TV E (click on this title to watch)