Common Dreams is the No. 1 Song #1 of the Pop Top Music Chart on RTCG (The Public Service Broadcaster of Montenegro)

Common Dreams has peaked at number one #1 at the Pop Top Music Chart on Radio and Television of Montenegro RTCG (The Public Service Broadcaster of Montenegro) on October 6, 2023.

Dolce Hera is very proud that her song Common Dreams feat. Nina Zizic has reached the hearts of the audience in Montenegro.

It is the Top 20 music weekly chart within the Pop Top show, a program that is entirely dedicated to the world of music.

The show Top Pop with Antonela Martinovic, editor and presenter, is broadcast on Fridays on TVCG2 (Television Montenegro Channel 2) arround 10 p.m., as well as on Thursdays on the First Program of Radio Montenegro (RCG1) at noon.

Hera is very happy that Common Dreams was recognized as a track that meets production standards and that it qualitatively meets the criteria for regular broadcasting on the Public Service Broadcaster of Montenegro. 

View Pop Top Music Chart with at #1 Common Dreams by Dolce Hera ft. Nina Zizic at the following link (48:42):